Make Works Catalonia

Make Works Catalonia is situated in the Catalan Manchester: Poblenou. Poblenou is a neighbourhood in Barcelona. Historically known for its industrial heritage, Make Works Catalonia is starting on a smaller scale engaging with the traditional and new manufacturers of Poblenou, to eventually grow and explore the potentiality of our region.   

Make Works Catalonia is situated at Fab Lab Barcelona and is part of two European projects; CENTRINNO and Distributed Design. At Fab Lab Barcelona we host the coordination of Make Works while simultaneously exploring our own manufacturing capacity within the neighbourhood Poblenou, Barcelona.  (CAST) Make Works Cataluña está localizado en el Fab Lab Barcelona y es parte de dos proyectos europeos; CENTRINNO y Distributed Design. En el Fab Lab Barcelona hospedamos la coordinación de Make Works mientras simultáneamente exploramos nuestra propia capacidad de manufactura dentro del barrio de Poblenou, Barcelona.

Fab Lab Barcelona is an innovation centre rethinking the way we live, work and play in cities. We do this through research in the framework of European funded projects, creating immersive learning programmes and education and working with companies for innovative products and services. The EU Project CENTRINNO has given us the opportunity to kick-start the Make Works Catalonia region. Learning from and with our neighbours in Poblenou what making, crafting and producing locally means. Through CENTRINNO we are looking into industrial heritage sites, how they are transforming and who is residing in them today. Showcasing the capacity of the creative people of Poblenou and beyond, we are hoping to support our local economy. (CAST) Fab Lab Barcelona es un centro de innovación que está repensando la manera en la que vivimos, trabajamos y disfrutamos las ciudades. Hacemos ésto mediante la investigación en el marco de proyectos financiados por la Unión Europea, creando programas inmersivos y educativos, y trabajando con compañías para la innovación de servicios y productos. El proyecto europeo de CENTRINNO nos ha dado la oportunidad de impulsar la región de Make Works Cataluña. Aprendiendo desde y con nuestros vecinos de Poblenou sobre lo que significa hacer, manufacturar y producir desde la localidad. Mediante CENTRINNO estamos poniendo atención especialmente a los lugares de patrimonio industrial, como han transformado quienes están residiendo en el barrio actualmente. Esperamos apoyar a nuestra economía local mostrando la capacidad de la gente creativa de Poblenou y el resto de la región.

The team

Milena Juarez

A Brazilian sanitary and environmental engineer with a Masters degree in Urban and Industrial Ecology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. With extensive research experience, Milena has actively participated in several interdisciplinary projects in the field of circular economy, resilient cities, co-creation and sustainable food.

Olga Trevisan

Visual artist and maker working towards local community development, mostly interested in supporting the intersection between tradition and innovation. Over the last years, has been collaborating as Art consultant to promote global socially conscious initiatives.

Julia Steketee

Julia is a designer and maker with a degree in furniture design and extensive fabrication experience. As part of the master’s degree in Design for Emergent Futures at the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and the Mention in Research program at ELISAVA, she has lead and participated in projects that focused on material research and the circular economy.

Sally Bourdon

We don't have time to create sustainable solutions for the future: we need to do it now. I'm a multi-disciplinary scientist-- biology & food sustainability nerd and ecological economist-- working on creating a just present. In this present, we are building people-centered communities and economies that produce locally while connecting globally.

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Manufacturers in region: 24

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