Central Scanning
Central Scanning provide a variety of 3D scanning and related services for 3D...
Central Scanning provide a variety of 3D scanning and related services for 3D...
backface offers 3D scanning and printing services
One of the UK’s leading manufacturers of vacuum formed components and assembl...
Member-run Makerspace providing workshop space and equipment in a supportive ...
MAKE is a community-based space for creative individuals that is part worksho...
Sorenzo Studios is a small Replica Prop, Costume, FX & Bespoke Fabrication co...
Innovative 3D printing solutions (biodegradable materials)
LayerX are leading 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) company, that provide...
Al Jazri Fab Lab, a small-scale digital fabrication hub, empowers creatives w...
Expert 3D printing for custom designs and prototypes.
Large pellet 3D printing combined with the artistic finesse.