Make Works Milan aims to develop an inclusive, circular and productive ecosystem together with the community of manufacturers, makers and creatives. To make Make Works Milan we partnered up with
BASE Milano, and other network members to showcase the potential productivity and creativity of Milan.
Make Works Milan is being developed in the EU project
CENTRINNO. CENTRINNO is a four-year research project focused on industrial historical sites undergoing transformation. It will showcase the potential of these historic areas to become part of a new industrial revolution that puts citizens at the core of a sustainable transformation. Leveraging the potential of underutilised historic spaces to become creative production and manufacturing hubs, Centrinno envisions sustainable and inclusive futures for the city and its residents.
Nema is a hub for the development of urban manufacturing in the metropolitan city of Milan, through an intelligent and connected network of actors.
BASE Milano is a project of innovation and cultural contamination, in the heart of Zona Tortona, Milan.