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Scottish Industry

“This is a book about what Scotland makes and where she makes it. So perhaps it should begin with the comment that Scotland makes just about everything - ”

We had to scour eBay for a copy of this beauty, but it was worth it.

Scottish Industry is a comprehensive review of industrial Scotland in 1953. Published by the Scottish Council for Development and Industry - C.A Oakley has documented of 150 manufacturers and factories working in Scotland. As he describes -

“This is a book about what Scotland makes and where she makes it. So perhaps it should begin with the comment that Scotland makes just about everything - ”

The list that follows cites the industry that was present in post-war Scotland; which compiles to an extraordinary list of things. Roller skates, typewriters, tweeds, wristwatches, ice cream cabinets, Edinburgh sealing wax, Kirkcaldy linoleum, alarm clocks for Swiss mechanics made in Lanarkshire, adding machines for New York actuaries to perfume bottles for Californian chemists. The book gives an inspiring insight into the things that Scotland made for people all over the world.

Photographs in Scottish Industry

Why is it useful?

It is useful because Oakley visited and interviewed the heads of industrial firms across the country to compile the book; which gives an informative history and context to each area of industry, and opens up thousands of stories from those that made things.

There are some beautiful maps throughout and incredible photographs of factories in action. Many of these firms have now disappeared, but a few, such as Alex Beggs in Ayr, and Robert Nobles in Peebles are still thriving. Both of which can be found and contacted on Make Works.

Images in Scottish Industry

Related titles -

Scottish Woollens -  The National Association of Scottish Woolen Manufacturers (1940’s)


Directory of Scottish Craftsmen - Scottish Development Agency (1980’s)


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